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One Moment of Time

Writer's picture: Joel StallingsJoel Stallings

The Power of a Single Moment

Life is full of moments, and it's in those moments that we make decisions—good or bad—that can change the course of our lives. Often, people will only remember the bad moments, the mistakes we've made. They bring up our past failures as if they define who we are today. But God, in His mercy, gives us second chances, and it’s those moments of grace that truly define us.

In Hebrews 11, we find a list of the heroes of faith. These are the people God highlights as examples of what faith is all about. If you want to understand real faith, go to Hebrews 11. In verse 32, it talks about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and others who made mistakes, who were weak at times, but they turned things around and became part of the Hall of Fame of faith.

The Moment of Change

One moment can change everything. Think of Samson. His story is often summed up by the fact that he was captured and met a tragic end. But what people overlook is that, in his final moment, he turned back to God. In that last moment of his life, he asked God for strength, and God used him to accomplish something great. Samson was remembered not for his failures, but for his faith in that final moment.

We all have those moments where we mess up, but the devil tries to convince us that we can't come back from it. That’s a lie. God can take any bad moment and turn it around. When you decide to make that moment right, to turn back to Him, He can use you again. Just like those missionaries and preachers who struggled with addiction, God can use your past to help others.

Grace: The Most Amazing Gift

Grace is an incredible gift, but it’s also the most abused. People sometimes think, "I can just ask for forgiveness later, and God will understand." But God knows our hearts. He knows if we are sincere. Just like a husband who pretends not to hear something, we might think we can slip something past God. But He hears and knows everything.

We may have bad moments, but God can still use us. Just like great athletes—Peyton Manning threw interceptions, Babe Ruth struck out more times than he hit home runs—God isn’t looking for perfection. He’s looking for us to step up, to take the swing, to throw the ball. He’ll make sure the right person catches it, turning our effort into something beautiful.

The Importance of Teamwork

We need each other. Life isn’t a one-man show. Just like a football team needs all its players working together to win, we need each other in the body of Christ. Each one of us has a part to play. As 1 Corinthians 12:12-14 reminds us, we are one body with many parts, and we all depend on each other to fulfill our roles.

David is another example of this. He was a man after God's own heart (1 Samuel 13:14), but he made a big mistake with Bathsheba. That one moment of weakness had long-lasting consequences. David had to face the fallout of that decision for the rest of his life. But God still used him. Despite his mistakes, David's lineage led to the birth of Jesus.

Learning from Experience

I can stand here and tell you about my own experiences, not to boast, but to show you how God has worked in my life. I’ve had moments where I didn’t know what to do. For example, I had no idea how to use Excel. It seemed like a mountain I couldn’t climb. But I chose to face that fear, and now I’m the one helping others with their Excel sheets. That’s what happens when you gain knowledge—knowledge is power, and it comes from God.

Proverbs 1:7 tells us that "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge." The devil thrives in our ignorance, but when we seek knowledge, we are seeking God. That’s why I ask questions and seek help. And God turns what I once struggled with into something I can now use to help others.

Tasting the Word for Yourself

It’s one thing to hear about someone else’s experience, but it’s another to experience it yourself. I can describe what an orange tastes like all day, but until you bite into it, you won’t truly know what it’s like. The same goes for the Word of God. Too many people rely on others to tell them what the Bible says instead of tasting it for themselves. Psalm 34:8 says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” We need to stop relying on others to feed us spiritually and start experiencing God’s Word for ourselves.

When you taste the Word, when you truly experience it, your decisions in those key moments will be different. You won’t have to second-guess. You’ll know God’s voice because you’ve been walking with Him.

The Consequences of a Moment

Even though God gives us second chances, the consequences of our decisions remain. Jacob wrestled with an angel all night (Genesis 32:24-28), and while he refused to let go until he was blessed, he walked with a limp for the rest of his life. That limp was a reminder of the moment he encountered God. The choices we make have lasting effects, even when God forgives us.

God of Second Chances

I thank God that He’s a God of second, third, fourth, and fifth chances. But don’t wait for the second chance if you can make the right decision now. Sometimes, that second chance will come, but it might be harder than the first. Just like Jacob, who received his blessing but walked with a limp, we may carry the consequences of our decisions even after we’ve turned things around.

In my own life, I’ve seen how important it is to not delay doing what God asks. There have been moments when I knew I should have prayed for someone right then and there but thought I could wait. I’ve learned that if God puts something on your heart, don’t delay—act in that moment.

Conclusion: Seizing Your Moment

Life is made up of moments, and we need to be mindful of the choices we make in each of them. Whether it's a decision to forgive, to seek help, or to turn back to God, don’t let the devil convince you that you’ve lost your chance. God is waiting, ready to turn any moment into an opportunity for His glory.

You have a moment right now. Don’t waste it. Make the choice to follow God, to turn back to Him, to learn from the mistakes of the past but not be defined by them. God is ready to use you, right here, right now.

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