Hello everyone! Today, I want to delve into a topic that has been the subject of much discussion and sometimes confusion within the church: baptism. As I stand here in Indian Trail, I'm reminded of the importance of clearing up some common misconceptions about this sacred act. Baptism is more than just a ritual; it is a profound symbol of our faith and commitment to follow Jesus Christ. Let's explore what baptism truly means and why it is so significant for us as believers.
Misconceptions About Baptism
There are two prevailing doctrines regarding baptism that often cause confusion. One doctrine teaches that baptism is not necessary for salvation—you don't have to be baptized to get into heaven. The other doctrine insists that if you aren't baptized, you aren't saved and won't make it to heaven. I'm here to tell you that there's a bit of truth in both perspectives. While baptism itself is not the key to salvation, it is a commandment from Jesus and holds great importance.
The Commandment to Baptize
Jesus commanded His followers to baptize. In Matthew 28:19-20, He said, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." This commandment is clear: baptism is an integral part of our faith journey. It's an act of obedience, following in the footsteps of Jesus Himself.
Jesus' Example
Let's look at the example set by Jesus. In Matthew 3:16, we read, "As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him." Jesus began His ministry only after being baptized. Before performing any miracles, before preaching to the masses, He was baptized. This shows us the significance Jesus placed on this act.
Baptism as a Symbol of Death and Resurrection
Baptism symbolizes the death of our old selves and our rebirth into a new life in Christ. When we go under the water, it represents our death to sin, just as Jesus died on the cross. When we rise from the water, it signifies our resurrection into a new life, just as Jesus rose from the dead. Romans 6:3-4 says, "Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life."
The Challenge of Obedience
Obeying the command to be baptized isn't always convenient. It's not easy to step out of our comfort zones. Many of us might worry about our appearance or feel vulnerable during baptism. But Jesus walked 60 miles to be baptized by John the Baptist (Mark 1:9-10). If the Son of God went to such lengths to fulfill this commandment, it underscores its importance for us.
Addressing Controversies
Some controversies surround the method of baptism. Should it be in the name of Jesus, Jesus Christ, or the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost? These debates have caused divisions within the church. But we must remember that Jesus Christ's commandment is what truly matters. If it was good enough for Jesus, it should be good enough for us.
Personal Transformation
When we undergo baptism, it's more than just a physical act; it's a public declaration of our faith. It signifies our transformation and our commitment to live a life following Jesus. Romans 6:6-7 reminds us, "For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin—because anyone who has died has been set free from sin."
Baptism and Community
Baptism is also about community. It's a time when we gather with family, friends, and fellow believers to celebrate our decision to follow Jesus. It is a reminder that we are part of a larger family of faith, supporting each other in our spiritual journeys.
In conclusion, while baptism may not be a prerequisite for entering heaven, it is a crucial step in our faith journey. It is an act of obedience, following Jesus' example, and a public declaration of our commitment to Him. It symbolizes our death to sin and our rebirth into a new life. Remember, as we go forth to baptize and be baptized, we are fulfilling Jesus' commandment and embracing the fullness of our faith.
Let's hold onto the significance of baptism and cherish this sacred act as a profound expression of our love and dedication to our Savior. God bless you all.